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Young african american woman wearing denim shirt standing over isolated yellow background Trying to hear both hands on ear gesture, curious for gossip. Hearing problem, deaf

Hearing Loss

If you find that you:

  • Have difficulty following a conversation, particularly in a crowded setting.
  • Turning the TV volume above other people’s comfort level.
  • Hear better in one ear than the other.
  • Or if you feel anxious at social gatherings.

These may all be signs of a hearing loss. Hearing loss can manifest itself in many forms, and can have many different causes. This is why it is important to conduct a full hearing assessment as it can lead to an effective and appropriate management.

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Hearing Loss (in children)

Children may have more difficulty recognizing that they have a hearing problem, and/or expressing that how they feel about their hearing. Some things to look out for:

  • Poor school performance, distractable behaviour.
  • Poor concentration.
  • Poor speech and language development.
  • Going too close to the TV.
  • Not responding appropriately when spoken to.

These could all be signs of a hearing loss, among other things. If you child also suffers from ear infections, has contracted mumps, measles or chicken pox, they should have a hearing test to exclude hearing loss. Early detection of hearing loss in your child can drastically improve their educational, psychological, emotional and social development.

Hearing Loss (in children)

Children may have more difficulty recognizing that they have a hearing problem, and/or expressing that how they feel about their hearing. Some things to look out for:

  • Poor school performance, distractable behaviour.
  • Poor concentration.
  • Poor speech and language development.
  • Going too close to the TV.
  • Not responding appropriately when spoken to.

These could all be signs of a hearing loss, among other things. If you child also suffers from ear infections, has contracted mumps, measles or chicken pox, they should have a hearing test to exclude hearing loss. Early detection of hearing loss in your child can drastically improve their educational, psychological, emotional and social development.

More info- child hearing loss
more info- tinnitus


Have you ever experienced a ringing, buzzing, whooshing or beating sound in your ear, even though there is no source of the noise? You may be experiencing something called “tinnitus”. Tinnitus is not in and of itself a hearing difficulty, but it may be a symptom of several other conditions. Regardless of its cause, tinnitus can be overbearing, and some experiencing tinnitus may have trouble sleeping, working in quiet environments, or concentrating. Assessment and appropriate management of tinnitus can bring a greater quality of life.

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Hearing Aids

Hearing aids come in many shapes, sizes and levels of technology. They can also be a major investment in your life, both financially and emotionally. That is why it is imperative that a hearing assessment by a qualified professional is conducted, so that the hearing aid suggested to you is individualized not only to your hearing loss but to your personal needs and requirements. There is no good in a hearing aid that is never used. PM Naidoo & Associates offers a comprehensive counselling, auditory training and rehabilitation program to ensure that your hearing aid experience is positive and fruitful.

More info hearing aids 1

Did you know:

That if your hearing aids do not seem to be working, you should first check your batteries. If after changing the batteries the hearing aid does not work, the wax filter may need changing! You can purchase both batteries and filters from us at a reasonable price, or we can facilitate the change for you.

Hearing Aids

Hearing aids come in many shapes, sizes and levels of technology. They can also be a major investment in your life, both financially and emotionally. That is why it is imperative that a hearing assessment by a qualified professional is conducted, so that the hearing aid suggested to you is individualized not only to your hearing loss but to your personal needs and requirements. There is no good in a hearing aid that is never used. PM Naidoo & Associates offers a comprehensive counselling, auditory training and rehabilitation program to ensure that your hearing aid experience is positive and fruitful.

Did you know:

That if your hearing aids do not seem to be working, you should first check your batteries. If after changing the batteries the hearing aid does not work, the wax filter may need changing! You can purchase both batteries and filters from us at a reasonable price, or we can facilitate the change for you.

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More info hearing aids 1
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Central Auditory Processing Disorder

Sometimes it may be that one can have normal hearing, but may still struggle to hear. This may be due to a condition called a Central Auditory Processing Disorder. This means that the hearing difficulty occurs at a point further along the neural pathway, up to the level of the brain. However, this condition is still treatable. Through specialized testing procedures we can tailor a treatment program to suit you or your child’s needs!

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Dizziness and Balance

It may surprise you that we can also assess for balance and dizziness-related difficulties. This is because the main sensory organ for balance is located in the ear! Through a series of assessments using specialist equipment called Videonystagmography (VNG). This allows us to measure the dizziness, and provide appropriate management strategies and an effective rehabilitation program.

Dizziness and Balance

It may surprise you that we can also assess for balance and dizziness-related difficulties. This is because the main sensory organ for balance is located in the ear! Through a series of assessments using specialist equipment called Videonystagmography (VNG). This allows us to measure the dizziness, and provide appropriate management strategies and an effective rehabilitation program.

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More info- Screening

Hearing Screening

A hearing screening test is a type of test used to quickly determine whether someone may have developed a hearing loss or not. It features a shortened test battery, and is sometimes done in an untreated environment. This is because the goal of a hearing screening test is to quickly identify those who might be experiencing a hearing difficulty. It does not constitute a diagnostic hearing test, in which we can tell you exactly the type of hearing loss that you have. Upon discovering a hearing loss with a screening tool, a diagnostic assessment is usually recommended to confirm the findings. Screening tests are commonly used in the workplace (especially noisy work places), in schools, and in neonatal units.