Our Services

PM Naidoo & Associates provide a range of services to suit your needs.
This may include:

Diagnostic hearing tests

A full hearing test that includes Otoscopy, Immittance testing, Pure Tone air and bone conduction testing and Speech testing. This comprehensive test battery will help establish your hearing status.

Auditory Evoked Potentials (AEP)

This is an objective assessment procedure that includes Oto-Acoustic Emissions (DPOAE), Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR), and Auditory Steady State Response. This is especially useful for children, special needs populations, and assessments can be conducted under medically supervised sedation or general anaesthesia.

Videonystagmography/VNG Assessment

Our practice has the latest equipment for the assessment and management of patients experiencing difficulties with dizziness and balance.

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Diagnostic hearing tests

A full hearing test that includes Otoscopy, Immittance testing, Pure Tone air and bone conduction testing and Speech testing. This comprehensive test battery will help establish your hearing status.

AEP (Auditory Evoked Potentials)

This is an objective assessment procedure that includes Oto-Acoustic Emissions (DPOAE), Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR), and Auditory Steady State Response. This is especially useful for children, special needs populations, and assessments can be conducted under medically supervised sedation or general anaesthesia.

Videonystagmography/VNG Assessment

Our practice has the latest equipment for the assessment and management of patients experiencing difficulties with dizziness and balance.

Close-up Of Doctor Showing Hearing Aid To Patient
More info- Adult hearing loss

Hearing Aids

Hearing aid Supply, fitting, and individualized rehabilitation programs. The Rehabilitation program is comprised of long term Auditory training to ensure that your hearing aid benefits you the most. We supply only reputable, good value products, at multiple price points, that are offered with good after-sales support. We provide hearing aid maintenance, service and counselling.

Hearing Aid Accessories

  • Batteries,
  • Dry aid kits and capsules,
  • Filters

Assistive Listening Devices

We provide and dispense other assistive listening devices such as

  • FM Systems
  • Bluetooth streaming systems
Implantable Devices

With the advancement in technology, implantable devices is another route of treatment for different types of hearing loss, namely; Bone Anchored Hearing aids (BAHAs) and Cochlea Implants (CI).

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Our practice provides a comprehensive Tinnitus Rehabilitation Therapy and in-depth counselling for patients suffering with ringing in the ears.

Industrial Hearing Assessments

This is a hearing assessment for patients who are exposed to occupational noise. This can guide them on how to protect their hearing in the workplace.
Providing companies with individualized Hearing Conservation Programs, either at our rooms on-site. We also supply hearing protective devices.

School Hearing Screening

Hearing screening services in schools are important for the identification and management of hearing difficulties. The earlier a difficulty can be identified, the sooner it can be treated!


Our practice provides a comprehensive Tinnitus Rehabilitation Therapy and in-depth counselling for patients suffering with ringing in the ears.

Industrial Hearing Assessments

This is a hearing assessment for patients who are exposed to occupational noise. This can guide them on how to protect their hearing in the workplace.

Providing companies with individualized Hearing Conservation Programs, either at our rooms on-site. We also supply hearing protective devices.

School Hearing Screening

Hearing screening services in schools are important for the identification and management of hearing difficulties. The earlier a difficulty can be identified, the sooner it can be treated!

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Newborn Hearing Screening

Using objective measures, such as Oto-Acoustic Emissions (OAE) conduct hearing screening on newborn children.

Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)

Assessment for children who may struggle with processing speech and language.

Speech Assessment

Assessment for those who have difficulties with speech and language difficulties, voice, fluency, swallowing, and feeding disorders for adults and children.

Fit and Supply of Speech Easy and Voice Amp for stuttering patients.

More Info

We also provide patients with advice and appropriate referral to a specialist if necessary.